
The Serial Police Impersonator's Interrogation by Real Police is Profoundly WTF

Remember Jeremy Dewitte?

He's a serial liar who's been arrested for impersonating police numerous times with the added distinction of being a registered sex offender in the state of Florida. Why, despite being arrested, does he keep at it?

Well, aside from the intoxicating rush that accompanies undeserved authority? Dewitte apparently got his start in compulsive police impersonation when he discovered a by-law in his locality that said that he, a vehicle escort, was exempt to certain traffic laws and given some leeway to direct traffic -- similar to a police officer -- and then used the "authority" ordained to him to be an absolute, unrepentant toolbag to anyone and everyone he could. The guy is such a dweeb he literally started a company of fake police-officers, complete with fake cruisers and police bikes, just so he could order around people trained to order people around.

And his interrogation by (real) police officers is the gift that keeps on giving.

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