
Entitled CEO Thinks He's Above the Law

Richard Shulman, CEO of Medical Technologies Group, is pulled over and never stops running his mouth, thinking he's above the law. 

From PoliceWatch: "On September 14th, 2023. A deputy conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle that was committing multiple infractions. As soon as the deputy approached the man, he was extremely rude and belligerent. He kept uttering he’s a CEO and believed he deserved special privileges because of that. After the deputy when to her patrol car to pull up the man’s information, he drove off from the traffic stop, leaving behind his license and registration. The deputy tracked him down to a convenience store and immediately wanted to place him under arrest but he continued to resist arrest. He continued saying he’s having a medical crisis and needs urgent care. This is the body-cam footage of the events that followed."

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