
The Top of Mount Everest is Actually a Garbage-Filled Shithole

Mount Everest: The highest mountain peak in the world, a holy grail reserved for the most devoted explorers, and a garbage-filled shit hole

Even though only 800 or so people climb Mount Everest a year, the summit is littered with their garbage.  In this video, camping gear and trash have completely taken over its plateau. 

"The Tallest landfill on Earth," @Oddly_Even added. 

However, it's not just garbage littering Mount Everest, but dead bodies and shit. 

"Wait till you find out that there is permafrost and that digging a hole to poop in is nearly impossible," @JoeHarper said. "So people literally just poop... EVERYWHERE." 

Standing on top of the tallest mountain in the world sounds like a unique and liberating experience, but from the looks of it, you might as well just head to your local garbage dump. 


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