
The Time Julia Louis-Dreyfus Cussed In Front Of Elmo

Though Elmo may be learning how to count, spell and co-exist with his arch nemesis, Rocco the Rock, there are two crucial life lessons our favorite red muppet has mastered: what cuss words are and how to exploit celebrities.


Earlier this week, a behind-the-scenes clip from Julia Louis-Dreyfus' 1994 cameo on the iconic children’s show began making the rounds again, one in which the Seinfeld alum accidentally slipped out a very naughty word before her muppet company. 

“So that’s it!” she said, reciting her line. “The Grump needs .. shit. Sorry”

Yet her apology for flubbing her line – and using foul language in front of Elmo and co – wasn’t nearly enough for her puppet costar.

“You said a bad word!” Elmo snapped back, demanding the Veep star make an offering to their swear jar. “Five dollars!” he repeated. “Five dollars.”

Though it's unclear whether Louis-Dreyfus ponied up the strangely steep swear jar amount, one thing is for certain – Elmo likely returned to his room with a good chunk of change.

“You’re going to be a rich Muppet at the end of this day,” she joked.

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