
Crazy Lady Thinks the Mailman is Stalking Her

Before the term Karen was coined, we had this gem of a video. Where this delusional lady confronts the mailman accusing him of stalking her. It's strange though, he does come by her house every day, five days a week. Wonder why that is.

Chances are you've seen this classic clip before, but even after all these years and the thousands of Karen videos out there, this one still holds its own. Something about the way the mailman turns around, with a confused look on his face, not sure if she's messing with him or not, that will forever stick with us.

I mean can you imagine being in his situation? Like umm, yeah lady, you see me around here because that's what I do, I get around. I'm a mailman!

Of all the old clips from the days before social media, this one might have been the most foretelling of our future. Needless to say, if this video were filmed today, the mailman would start filming her back.

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