
The Moment a Missile Hits a Shopping Center in Kremenchuk

This footage from 6/27/22 is the moment a Russian airstrike hit a shopping center in Kremenchuk, a Ukrainian city of 219,000 people. It is believed over 1,000 civilians were inside at the time. The strike was one of many attacks carried out by Russia against Ukraine, and demonstrates Russia's disregard to humanity and civilians in this conflict.

The videos give the unique perspective of being close to a missile strike, while leaving a sickening feeling as one can only imagine the inhumane scenes within the shopping center. We hope this conflict can come to a swift end, and pointless attacks like this can become a thing of the past.

Based on the apparent size and shape of the missile in this second angle of the blast, the intention was likely to penetrate the ground, and have the explosion affect the structures below ground as much as above. This also explains the way the shockwave seems to travel below ground as well.


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