
Australia's "Karen" Themed Diner Where Staff is Intentionally Rude

We have no problem with themed restaurants that seek to offer a unique twist to the dining experience, but we do take offense to Australia appropriating our American way of life for their financial gain. This Karen-themed Diner is called "Karen's Diner" and is located in Melbourne Australia, if you're so inclined to get ridiculed while you eat an overcooked and overpriced burger.

Upon arrival at Karen's you'll be met by the rude staff, who will tell you to wait outside if they acknowledge you at all.

We aren't sure exactly how we feel, but we can guarantee you some dude with a bully fetish is going to make this place his new local spot. Imagine you order a burger and instead of a full-sized pickle they give you a gherkins pickle and then wag their little pinky at you, is that something you'd be interested in? Yeah didn't think so, and neither would we, no way, nope.

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