Gift of Beloved Childhood Toy Makes Mom's Day
damn_nation_inc Published 01/01/2022
This mom had fond memories of playing with Barbie's Friend Ship back when she was young, and her reaction to seeing it again after all these years is just priceless.
It's pretty wild how the simplest things that remind us of our childhood can have such a powerful effect on us. Nostalgia truly is a powerful drug. As a kid, all you wanna do is grow up, and then you grow up and realize that all that 'freedom' as an adult comes with a ton of unsexy responsibilities.
For me, it was the 'He-Man' toy I had as a kid. I took that, Battle Cat, and Skeletor EVERYWHERE.
It's pretty wild how the simplest things that remind us of our childhood can have such a powerful effect on us. Nostalgia truly is a powerful drug. As a kid, all you wanna do is grow up, and then you grow up and realize that all that 'freedom' as an adult comes with a ton of unsexy responsibilities.
For me, it was the 'He-Man' toy I had as a kid. I took that, Battle Cat, and Skeletor EVERYWHERE.