
'The Door Frame Challenge' Is Latest Horny Trend to Take Over TikTok

Over the past several days, BookTok has ditched its bread and butter of discussing the best and worst of modern literature — looking at you, Colleen Hoover — to embrace its down-horrendous side with TikTok’s horniest new trend, the “door frame challenge.”

Gleaning inspiration from the hundreds of books that have featured detailed descriptions of hot men leaning in doorways, the door frame challenge is all about making life imitate smut, prompting the readers of TikTok to grab their SOs as they strive to find whether the move is as hot IRL as it is on paper.

The answer to their noble inquiry? A resounding “yes god yes.” If the hashtag #doorframechallenge’s 29.3 million views — and the subsequent horny meltdowns of nearly all of the trend’s participants — are any indication.

Doorways: the ultimate aphrodisiac of horny readers.

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