‘Penis in His Eyes’: Toddler Describes the Drawing She Made of Her Dad

This little girl gets a little too descriptive when telling her mom about a drawing she has made of her dad.

Little kids love to make art, and love to tell you about it. The only problem is that they're usually not very good at either, and you're left guessing what this bunch of scribbles is actually supposed to resemble. However, this little girl is very clear about her drawing of her dad, and explains in excruciating detail the features she has included in her masterpiece. One thing's for sure, she has definitely not forgotten to include the penis. "The record's skipping," one person comments, and "Why is it only words like that they want to say over and over again?" says another. While she has also included important features like the eyes and the head, the penis definitely seems like what she's most proud of.

Mom certainly loves the drawing at least. Oh, and did I forget to mention she included the penis?

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