
'The Fear of Mexican Pop Stars?': 'Jeopardy' Contestant Spectacularly Fumbles “Selenaphobia” Question

Earlier this week, Jeopardy commemorated what would have been Tejano pop icon, Selena Quintanilla Pérez’s 52nd birthday by revisiting a classic moment in Daily Double history, sharing a 2014 clip where one contestant spectacularly Bidi Bidi Bom-Bombed a question about the definition of “selenophobia” from the show’s “What Are You Afraid of” category.

Yet, even with $2,000 on the line, Navy helicopter pilot Michelle DeGrothy couldn’t recall that Selenophobia meant fear of the moon, instead, answered “What is fear of Mexican music stars?”

“No but that’s a great response,” the series’ late host, Alex Trebek replied with a chuckle.

To paraphrase one of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s now-painfully cliche inaugural remarks, there is nothing to fear but fear itself … that and Selena Quintanilla, apparently. 

Categories: Facepalm Wow Fail

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