
The Cringiest 80's Jazzercise Video You'll See all Month

Depending on who you ask or when you were born, The 80s was an awesomely weird and unique decade. From the great music, and questionable fashion, to everything to excess, it was definitely a one-of-a-kind era. But like every decade, it had its fair share of uber cringe moments. Did this chick watch this tape back and tell herself, "Heck yeah! I nailed that!?" At least all the laughing you'll do while watching it will give you a great abdominal workout.

If you are unfamiliar with the term 'Jazzercise', it was created by Judi Sheppard Missett while living in Evanston, Illinois all the way back in 1968 as a student at Northwestern University. She was teaching at a dance studio and noticed her classes had high dropout rates. Realizing students were attending for physical fitness and not to become highly technically proficient in dance, Shepard Missett began to hold "just for fun" classes that began with a jazz warmup. These classes were eventually renamed "Jazzercise".

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