
The 'Charlie Bit My Finger Kid' Gives a Tour of his Yacht

It's been about 16 years since Harry and his brother Charlie went viral on YouTube as toddlers, and it would appear that now they're loaded. In this video posted by TikToker Ted Zhar, Harry gives us a tour of his mega-yacht. I don't think his finger is hurting anymore.

Harry tells us he's made his money by selling "alarm clocks that have second needs" on eBay, but that seems hard to believe. It's no secret that his family has profited off their viral video, with the clip racking up over 900 million views, and $1 million in YouTube royalties. A successful YouTube channel, brand deals, and the video's recent selling as an NFT for three-quarters of a million dollars certainly help. Still, a yacht like this costs magnitudes more, so it's hard to believe something else isn't at play.

According to an article in The U.S. Sun, the children's dad still works as an IT consultant. Based on this boat, however, he can probably quit whenever he likes.

NOTE: Since time of writing, it is believed that this is not the 'Charlie Bit My Finger Kid.'

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