
‘The Boy Different’: DJ Khaled Struggles to Read Drake's Book of One Sentence Poems

"Need my friends to support me like this."

That's what the TikTok user Kiki commented on a video of DJ Khaled reading excerpts from Drake's new book, Titles Ruin Everything. She has a point. Across all of DJ Khaled's media, nothing is more clear than his love for the Canadian rapper

In this clip, Khaled flips through a few pages, slowly reading the sentence long poems with a level of amazement akin to a toddler taking in their first picture book. Titles Ruin Everything has been called "168 pages of corny IG captions," by HIGHSNOBIETY.

"You think I'm making this up, right?" Khaled says to the camera. "Listen, the boy different. The minute you think you've figured out the boy, the man writes a book."

While it might appear that DJ Khaled is struggling to read the basic sentences, he assures his audience that he's just taking his time with it. We should all be so lucky to have friends that take our corny passion projects this seriously. 


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