
The Behind-the-Scenes of the Costco Guys Isn’t Very ‘Boom’

I think we’re all basically over the Costco Guys at this point. What started as a playful, father-and-son romp through the popular store has since become a whole franchise, with additional characters like “The Rizzler” and the implementation of a food-rating system in which items are marked on a scale of 1 to 5 “booms.”

We’ve also learned that the main dude, A.J., has been trying for a viral hit for a while, even attempting to run a Facebook Live show about what you need to know to be a man (it allegedly failed after people on Facebook kept making fun of him for it).

That’s why it shouldn’t be too surprising that the behind-the-scenes of these videos isn’t exactly as fun and carefree as the “double chocolate chunk cookie” reviews might have you believe.

Just let the boy eat his chicken bake!


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