
The ‘Amusement Park’ Ride That Will Steal Your Soul

No thanks, I'm good. I'm just gonna go grab a waffle cone or do literally anything other than this.

This is not amusement. This is horror. The ride is called Talocan and is a member of the top spin family of rides. Talocan can be found at a park called Phantasialand located in Brühl, Germany. As you can see the machine rests on a series of axels so that its riders experience pure terror and sickness upon each rotation.

The ride is definitely not for the faint of heart. And to be fair, similar top spin rides such as 'Aladdin's carpet' and 'The Pirate Ship' aren't any better. You all might enjoy getting whiplash and vomiting, but I'm gonna pass on this one.

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