
Starbucks Employee Fired Because He Made Steak Tacos at Work

Fugnarr, a former Starbucks employee was allegedly fired after posting a video that shows him making steak tacos using store equipment. Despite sharing the delicious-looking meat with his coworkers, he was apparently reported to his supervisor by a fellow employee. As he captions the TikTok, "Steak so scrumptious HR investigated me for the secret recipe."

In the comments, Fugnarr divulges his Starbucks convection oven secret: "Turkey pesto button x3 times then flip and 3 more turkey pestos." Starbucks employees are not allowed to use store equipment to assemble or reheat their personal food items, but Fugnarr's fans don't want his steak to remain a personal item. “They should’ve promoted you instead," one person commented, "I’m tired of the 3D-printed sandwiches.” Another person agreed. "They needed a new menu item anyway." Who wouldn't want a perfectly convected steak taco to go along with their morning venti oat milk caramel sweet foam cold brew?


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