
"That 65-Year-Old Man Could Really F—ing Throw ‘Em”: Montgomery Waterfront Fighter Learns Painful Lesson About Fighting the Elderly

As the shocking footage of the Montgomery waterfront brawl continues making the rounds on social media, one heavily-bruised man claiming to have been involved in the viral fracas shared an important lesson he learned from the fight: Don’t judge a man by his age.

“Welp, turns out that 65-year-old man could really fucking throw ‘em,” he said, flaunting two black eyes, wads of tissues still stuffed up his nose.

Though the identity of the man in the now-viral clip has yet to be confirmed, several flocked to comments on its various uploads, hitting our boy with a resounding chorus of “no shit.”

“They left him with eggplant emojis under his eyes,” observed 

@karlogan_, while Twitter user @kamauwhynaina likened him to a defeated cartoon villain.

“Got this man looking like mojo jojo after fighting the power puff girls I’m crying,” they wrote.

So take it from this bruised-up brawler — when it comes to battling the elderly, it’s better to not fuck around and find out.


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