
Tesla Model S Plaid Launch Is Quite Impressive

Tesla has come a long way since they first busted into the electric vehicle scene all the way back in 2003 (yes you read that right nearly 20 years ago already). In an era where hybrid and electric cars like the ridiculously hideous Toyota Prius reigned supreme, tesla wanted to make their vehicles sleek, sexy, and 1000% less dorky than the current vehicles that were on the market.

Tesla has seen some impressive success with their other models, so it shouldn't be a surprise when the Tesla Plaid came out. Boasting a range of nearly 400 miles on a single full charge, a 200 mile per hour top speed, and going from zero to 60 in under 2 seconds, this bad boy packs a serious punch.

Watch as this Tesla Plaid launches from a complete stop to interstate speed in just a couple of seconds.

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