
Tesla Malfunctions While Parking and Jumps into Overdrive, Killing Two

Video has surfaced of a Tesla that ended up killing 2 people back on November 5th.

According to chunqiudayi who originally posted the video to Reddit, the man behind the wheel of the Tesla is an experienced bus driver. The driver stated that when he attempted to put the car in park, the brake pedal stiffened, and pressing 'P-mode' didn't help at all.

As we can see in the video, the car kept accelerating, and at one point the brake lights did turn on, but the car refused to slow down. A front tire exploded, the car hit several other vehicles, and the driver suffered broken ribs.

Tesla, as they typically do, claimed the driver never hit the brakes. It was also confirmed by police that the driver was NOT under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

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