
Tesla Absolutely Trucks Child Dummy in Stoppage Test

We probably shouldn't be laughing, but come on now, Tesla.

Apparently there were multiple vehicles being tested. Tesla has its own 'Tesla Vision' to warn the driver of their surroundings. While the black vehicle being tested in the video has LIDAR (a similar technology.)

We can see pretty clearly that the LIDAR technology works fairly effectively, and stops before injuring the child. Whereas Tesla Vision...uh...could use some work to put it kindly. The child they are trying to avoid gets straight up obliterated by the Tesla. Not a great look.

The issue here is that up until this point Tesla has refused to use LIDAR technology when they are producing their vehicles. Maybe after this epic failure of a test video, they'll change their tune. Honestly my favorite part of the test has to be the interior and exterior reactions from both men. If this were real, that child is dead, no doubt.


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