
'Tell Me This Isn’t Real': Another Baffling Plane Suspended In Mid-Air Caught On Camera

What is going on here and why does it hurt my head trying to figure out what I just saw? 

If you've been paying attention to the "we live in a simulation" crowd, you've probably seen multiple videos of planes seemingly suspended in mid-air, much to the shock of the people filming them. 

A few weeks ago, a plane was filmed making its way into SFO and it had the same frozen in mid-air effect we see here.  According to smarter and more level-headed people, the effect is known as the "parallax effect" and is the byproduct of, according to Wikipedia, "a difference in the apparent position of an object when viewed along two different lines of sight." 

Now, if that's too hard to wrap your head around (it is for us), we can agree to just chalk this up to a breaking simulation, it's much easier and makes for better conversation. 

Categories: Ftw Wow

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