
Teen Who Died at Icon Park May Have Been "Too Heavy" To Safely Ride

The tragic accident at Icon Park in Orlando, Florida, where 14-year-old Tyre Sampson fell to his death is being investigated over claims that he was too heavy to safely ride the attraction. According to Inside Edition, Sampson has been turned away from two other rides before his fatal fall.

Tyre Sampson weighed around 325 pounds and stood 6 ft. 5 and played football for his high school. The tragic accident took place while Sampson visiting Orlando's Icon Park from Missouri. The 430-foot tall free-fall ride is a popular attraction and one which has a weight limit of 287 in Europe. However, here in the U.S, there is no imposed weight restriction for the ride.

Investigators are looking into whether a seatbelt could have helped save Sampson, or if airbags should be installed below such rides. But according to the company that makes the ride, the seat was still in its locked position when the ride stopped, and that "the ride doesn't function if the seats are not properly locked."
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