
Girl Says She Flirted Away DUI, Cop's Bodycam Says Otherwise

A teen girl desperately in need of attention went viral recently when she posted a video online claiming that she, despite being horrendously drunk, underage and at the wheel, managed to flirt her way out of a DUI.

"No DUI for me bitches!" She claims, stating openly that she had invented a 'sob story' about a toxic boyfriend and that the police officer decided to let her off scot-free despite blowing a "3.8" into a breathalyzer -- and had even asked her out on a date, saying they should get coffee or lunch sometime.

The video went viral with many understandably berating the girl for her openly sh**ty behavior but also lamenting the apparent weakness of the officer involved, decrying another example of a police officer thinking with body parts other than his brain.

Well, turns out the local sheriff's department in question caught wind of the video and they had receipts.

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