
Teen Kicks His Way Out of Interrogation Room

One of the many downsides of drywall!

According to KRQE, a 24-year-old man named Adlai Mestre recently confessed to killing his family and dog in Tijeras, New Mexico.

That part isn’t why we’re here. I think we can all agree that’s horrible. Why we’re here is because of what he decided to do afterward.

As is visible in the full video of his interrogation, the police left him alone in the interrogation room, a tactic they typically use to build fear in the heart of the suspect and make them more likely to break.

However, the only thing that ended up breaking was the wall, as Mestre quickly realized that it was made of cheap drywall. Don’t worry, he was apprehended soon after — but let’s hope that it taught the police an important lesson about both suspects and building construction.

Tags: wow wtf ftw escape

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