
Why Does Taylor Swift Arrive at Her Concerts In a Mop Cart?

Last month, TikTok user @shaydanazifpour captures a (not so) shocking revelation, uploading a video appearing to prove the long-running conspiracy theory that Swift enters the stage via a cleaning cart.

“When you get video confirmation on the janitor rumor,” they captioned their now-viral clip, depicting the pop star emerging from a crevice on a janitor’s supply trolley prior to one of her performances in Arlington, Texas earlier this spring.

Despite its viral splash, amassing more than 1.2 million likes, few Swifties were truly shocked at what their rabid fandom made the singer do.

“This is gonna be in the documentary and I bet she’ll think no one knew,” wrote @carolinescardigan.

Though Swift’s secret may be out, as @princessfionaogre so aptly put it, “that’s what they get for selling tickets BEHIND the stage.” This is all your fault, Ticketmaster.

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