
Target Halloween Decoration Really Sounds Like It’s Asking to Get Screwed

Halloween is just around the corner, which means it’s time to figure out what costume you can throw together from whatever you already have in your closet.

Then again, if you have a significant other who cares about this, it also means that it could be time to decorate. The “spooky season,” as internet people have lately taken to calling October, is the time when you’re allowed to fill your house with skeletons, Jack-o-Lanterns and all manner of frightening goods without the neighborhood calling you “that creepy guy with the bones.”

Stores have, of course, capitalized on this by selling tons of different Halloween items. For example, Target recently released this doll that says… Uh, well, it sounds like “I want to get fucked.” I guess if you walked in on someone banging that doll, you’d be pretty freaked out!

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Categories: Wtf Halloween
Tags: wow funny wtf

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