
Behind-the-Scenes Clip of Quentin Tarantino Dancing on the Set of ‘Pulp Fiction’

Like the weird uncle you didn't want to invite to the wedding but he's family, so you let him order Wild Turkey shots and do the Macarena. That's Quentin Tarantino's energy.

We're all aware of the character and aura that surrounds the famous director. From his over-use of the 'N' word in his scripts, to the foot fetish conspiracies. So the fact that he's off in his own galaxy while filming the iconic dance scene in 'Pulp Fiction' makes perfect sense.

Instead of watching Uma Thurman and John Travolta, Tarantino seems to be out on Planet Zuuluu tripping on space mushrooms with the Tasmanian Devil. So as cool as this behind the scenes clip might be, it's absolutely exhausting to watch.

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