
‘Tapeworms Are the New Ozempic,’ Declare Those on a Raw Meat Diet

Unfortunately, these people are still with us in 2025.

Last year, we covered the disgusting and, quite frankly, annoying trend of people on the internet posting videos of themselves eating raw meat.

This is, obviously, a terrible idea, and given just how many of the meat-lovers movement’s stars have given up on their meat-only diets in the past year, it would be natural to think that there was a chance that people were going to realize the error of their ways and stop — or, at least, get too sick from their stomach parasites to keep posting.

Well, it brings me no pleasure to say that not only have they not stopped, but now, they’re celebrating the parasites, with this one calling them the “new Ozempic.”

I feel like this year is gonna be just as great as the last!


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