
Taco Bell Employee Straight-Up Powerbombs Unruly Customer

F*ck around and find out, Taco Bell edition!

From start to finish, the customer has a piss-poor attitude. You think you can come into the holy grail of fast food restaurants that is Taco Bell, and try to start some shit? Brother this is a place of peace and happiness. But this customer barges in, swipes some delivery bags off of a table, and then proceeds to go after a TB employee. 

Big mistake, huge. Is this man entering his first fight ever? The customer misses a punch as the employee easily ducks and snags the man's leg. Uh oh. What happens next is something straight out of a 'hell in the cell' match. The Taco Bell worker powerbombs the customer into the tile floor, and it's goodnight sweet prince.

Employee of the entire year.

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