
Swarm of Glowing Orbs Spotted Over South America

Just invade us already; I’m getting tired of this.

Over the past month, the United States has been gripped by drone panic. Following the discovery of several alleged drones in the skies above New Jersey, it now seems like everyone is seeing the damn things, with reports coming in everywhere from Ohio to Argentina.

Now, there’s a new video coming out of somewhere in South America — and, before you ask, I wish I could get more specific, but no one posting the video has shared a location. A few people have even speculated that it’s Israel, so we’re really in no man’s land here when it comes to information.

Regardless, the video is certainly interesting. It shows a sky filled with illuminated orbs, which could either be an alien presence or, more likely, just a bunch of LED balloons that got caught in a breeze.

You decide!


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