
"Stir-fried Stones" Are the Hottest New Food Trend In China

The next time somebody yells at you to go kick rocks, just tell them that you'd rather suck them. 

That's because sucking on stir fried rocks is the latest and hottest food trend from China. Called "suodiu," which quite literally means "suck and dispose," the whole point of what people are calling the "world's hardest dish" is to get lost in the sauce. 

"Just hand them 2 sauce packets and same result," @Sukpoi commented.

The dish apparently dates all the way back to ancient times, when boatmen would cook up rocks in condiments if they ran out of food. But those people were starving. I can't imagine ever feeling hungry and wanting to satisfy it with a meal you can't even chew or swallow. 

"Hungry?" @theonlyaugie commented. "Why not continue being hungry!"

For now, suodiu is primarily being served by street vendors in China's eastern province, Hubei. But hopefully the bone-broth and juice cleanse communities stay away, or else we could be looking at Gwyneth Paltrow's new favorite dish.


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