
Streamer Nadia Fills Cold Pool With Warm Diarrhea During Polar Plunge Competition

Everybody knows that turtles like to swim in pools, so if you ever feel one poking out while in the water, it might be best to relieve yourself before it comes out of its shell.

Unfortunately, streamer and internet personality Nadia Amine failed to follow this advice when she participated in a polar plunge competition with Azra and other streaming friends. The result? A brown surprise much worse than the ice water. 

"It’s actually extremely common," @PeetingDisorder commented on the now viral video. "Most people who do cold plunges end up releasing their bowels."

Nadia, who has faced suspicions of cheating in Call of Duty, could have used her dirty tactic to win the ice pool game. Instead, she jumped out, leaving a shockingly unfazed Azra to win the stained competition.


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