
Streamer Accidentally Reveals Serious Case of Gooner Arm

Dude, go outside.

If you’ve ever stumbled across images of people posting their goon caves, you’re likely aware of the fact that some people spend a lot of time jacking off. While an average Joe might crank their hog a few times a week, these people devote as much of their parents’ money as possible to the task, jerkin’ it until their tongue hangs out of their mouth like a dog on a hot day.

This can have consequences — not only for their social lives, but for their bodies. One issue is the legendary “gooner arm,” where one arm (the arm doing the jerking) is clearly more exercised than the other.

This streamer took off his jacket and revealed that he may have one of the world’s finest cases — even if he insists that it’s just the camera angle and way he’s sitting.  

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