
Beer-Chugger Loses His Audience in the Blink of an Eye

That feeling when you tell a funny joke, but someone else just repeats it louder and gets the laugh.

Everybody wants their moment to shine, their 5 minutes (or seconds) of fame. Sometimes it's planned and plotted out, while other times for your average Joe it's just pure organic luck.

But if you're called upon by fate and it's your moment in the sun, you better be ready! Unfortunately for this dude, he waited just a bit too long and someone else stole the spotlight.

We all know that classic 'dude' trope of a guy trying to chug a beer only to lose the entire audience because some other dude decided to streak across a baseball field, stealing the show. That's a trope right? Anyway, let this be a lesson to everyone that timing is everything. I know I'll be pouring a cold one out for our fallen soldier today. Enjoy this epic fail.

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