
Group of Stoners Make Their Great Escape from a Pesky Policeman

On April 20th, 2007, in the quad of Fort Lewis College, in Durango, Colorado, one of the most iconic 4/20 videos was filmed by some student in a nearby building. He watched as a group of 20 students piled underneath a parachute before and began lighting up. The party didn't last long, and soon a campus police officer rolled up on their hot box, which led to this hilarious mad dash.

The video is still one of the best 4/20 videos of all-time. What you can't see in the video is a tour group just 100 feet off-camera, who had a front-row seat to the show. The video was later posted to YouTube, and from there went viral, which at the time meant something.

And for many people, online seeing students openly defy the rules gave Colorado a reputation for having lenient rules against smoking weed. And stoners across the country took notice, at least those who would someday have to decide where they wanted to attend college.
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