
Steve Wozniak Talks about a Steve Jobs Meltdown that might Change How You Feel About Him

It's no secret that Steve Jobs was a bit of an eccentric individual. For all the amazing technology and innovation he is "responsible" for, there are also plenty of stories and incidents involving him where he wasn't the nicest of people. Jobs was the face and the head of Apple, often credited for most of the company's products, even though especially in the early days, most of the new products were designed and built by Wozniak.

Wozniak noted that when the two men founded Apple, Jobs’ “personality changed” from a fun-loving friend to someone who was dead serious about building a world-changing company. Steve Jobs’ relentless drive to become a successful communicator and leader came from his desire to ultimately be remembered as an important historical figure — and that motivation drove him to develop the appropriate skills for it.

In this clip from Steve-O's Wild Ride! Episode 96 with Steve Wozniak, he remembers an incident when he was developing a remote control prototype through a start-up company, and when Jobs found out, he lost it.

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