
Steve Harvey Is a Certified Freak after This Reaction

If you didn't know Steve Harvey was a freak in the sheets, you do now.

Let's be real and put all of our cards on the table for a second. We're all pervs. We all walk around with our minds in the gutter. And that's totally natural. We're humans after all. So I'm not going to sit here and judge other people. I'm not going to blame the hero of the day, Greg for saying what everyone else was thinking.

And I'm sure as hell not going to blame Steve Harvey for having that dawg in him. So get ready for one of the funniest 'Family Feud' clips we've ever seen. Just a couple of dudes being dudes. Greg and Steve. Great minds thinking alike.

For reference the question is "What is something men like women to do to their face." We get some typical answers, but none of it matters until Greg speaks. Greg the wise. Greg the great and powerful. So sit back and enjoy, and if your head isn't already in the gutter, prepare to make yourself comfy there.

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