
The Day in the Life of a Stay at Home Girlfriend

The stay at home girlfriend turned TikToker kendelkay documents her days and routines taking care of herself, her boyfriend, and chores around the house. On the surface, everything seems well, with out dated gender roles not seemingly an issue. Of course being ridiculously stupid wealthy doesn't hurt with that. But everything might not be what it seems.

A different person on TikTok, 1000mgibuprofen, decided to take the time to analyze her journal to some concerning results. It seems that she might be struggling with the identity and aspirational issues a 24 year old with no active plans might be dealing with. Others were quick to point out her lack of real caloric intake, and seemingly disassociated demeanor. Luke seems to be your stereotypical crypto bro as well, which puts concerns over their long term future. Oh wait, their parents are stupid rich too. Never mind. She'll be fine. She just might not be happy.


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