
Stalker Follows Couple For Over an Hour, Has Police Called On Him

After noticing they were being followed, this couple drove around for almost an hour before calling the police and reporting the car following them. When the police finally showed up and stopped the driver, he said he saw the couple in his neighborhood and thought they looked suspicious, so he began to follow them.

If the person following them really is a stalker, then that is one hell of an excuse. I wonder if the police were able to confirm his story by tracking if the couple who called them had indeed been driving through his neighborhood. But then again, maybe he's a stalker who only follows people he notices drive past his house, giving him the cover he needs to sell his lie. We may never know, but that doesn't make this incident any less frightening.

Let this be a lesson to always trust your gut and that if you think you're being followed call the police and let the authorities handle it.
Categories: Wow
Tags: stalkers wow wtf

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