
Frightening Video of a Stalker Breaking into a Woman's House

Hannah Viverette was filming a TikTok when she heard someone climbing into her second-floor balcony. Police later arrested Angel Moises Rodriguez-Gomez, but he has since been released on bail.

It's hard to think of anything more frightening than someone breaking into your house when you're there alone. And to make matters worse, the man who was caught breaking into Hannah's apartment was her, stalker! I would move faster than you can say, "get out!"

Being a woman isn't easy and it would be much easier if women didn't have to deal with men. Like seriously, this is the kind of stuff women have to deal with and personally, I don't think I could handle it.

The worst part of this story isn't that he followed her home, or broke into her house, which obviously those things are terrible, but no, the worst part of this story is that he was released on bail!

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