Guy Sets up 'Porch Pirate Sting' with Amazon Box Full of Bricks
MainFeature Published 12/22/2021
Mail and package theft is something that occurs pretty much all year long. That being said it definitely spikes around certain holidays, most notably Christmas.
There's nothing quite as disappointing as waiting on a delivery or package for a loved one just for it never to show up or get swiped after it's delivered. Watch as this guy put an amazon box full of bricks on his porch and a would-be thief decides it's now "her" package.
She walked up SO casual and calm like she was shopping at a store, but she proved she could run when she realized the jig was up!
There's nothing quite as disappointing as waiting on a delivery or package for a loved one just for it never to show up or get swiped after it's delivered. Watch as this guy put an amazon box full of bricks on his porch and a would-be thief decides it's now "her" package.
She walked up SO casual and calm like she was shopping at a store, but she proved she could run when she realized the jig was up!