
Courthouse Guard Teaches "Sovereign Citizen" a Lesson in Manners

An old clip that has flown under the radar for far too many. A self-proclaimed "sovereign citizen" of Idaho, decides the armed guards of the local courthouse do not have the authority to bar him entry and decides to test their metal.

The man, Robert Peterson, was there at the Kootenai Courthouse in Idaho to dispute a traffic ticket he'd been issued previously. And things might have gone more smoothly had he simply relinquished the camera, followed now-infamous bailiff P. Barnes' instructions and chilled the hell out.

Instead, he chose to remain belligerent and got a taser dart straight to the nuggets -- or at least that's what some other outlets say -- for his trouble. We can't blame P. Barnes either; he was, initially, patient with the jackass at the start. But a considerably less so once the taser was finally drawn. Can't really blame him, either.

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