
Someone Turned the Failed Pretoria Heist into an Action Scene

On April 22nd, 2021 Security officers Leo Prinsloo and Lloyd Mthombeni were escorting cash and goods when they came under attack by a gang of criminals.

According to Leo,

"The criminals in South Africa are well-informed and former and current police and military have been arrested in connection with them. Emboldened by that fact the criminals can strike at essentially anytime. You have to be at the top of your game the whole bloody day. This time the first shots came just 15 minutes after we started the job, half past 10 in the morning.

The usual plan of attack is for the attackers to come from behind and open fire on the guards. No warning. They want to obstruct the windows, and if possible take out the crew so that they can get to the vehicle easily. They come ready to kill, and the justice system isn’t any kind of deterrent. From the first shot to the last, 13 rounds struck the vehicle, and more than 30 were fired at us. It was the first time that I had been in a gun exchange since I left the police 17 years ago. "

Using rarely-seen front and back camera angles from the actual N4 highway assault in Pretoria, South Africa that went viral in 2021, the uploader edited together a real-time action sequence so you can see exactly what went down in this daring escape.
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