
Someone Tried to Steal the Robot Waiter from This Restaurant

I don’t want to know what he plans to do with it.

Some restaurants have recently installed robot waiters that bring food to the table at a restaurant. Well, that’s how it’s supposed to work, anyway. In my experience, what actually ends up happening is that each one of those robots is followed by a server who has to load and unload it, bringing into question why the hell the restaurant invested money in this technology in the first place.

All of this is to say, given what I’ve seen, these things are pretty useless. Which begs the question: What the fuck did this man plan on doing with the robot waiter in the video below?

In the security-cam footage, a man can be seen trying to lift and get away with one of these remote-controlled servers. It’s unclear if he succeeded, but if he did, this definitely feels like something you’ll be seeing on Facebook Marketplace.  


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