
Someone Flashed the Philly Portal

Well, it was bound to happen eventually.

I don’t think I’m alone in saying that I was pretty impressed with Philadelphia after its first week with the portal. Given how Philly the city of Philadelphia can be, it’s fair to say that many seeing the city be chosen as the next home of the Portal project were expecting the worst. After all, if New York couldn’t behave itself, do we really think that Philly could?

For a while, we were proven wrong. Then, some lady showed her boobs to the portal.

As it turns out, it was the same woman who flashed the New York portal, later telling the New York Post that she was an OnlyFans model set on tying the experience of the Portal to her breasts. As she put it, “The portal and I are a package deal — wherever it goes, my boobs go.”

Sure. Sigh.


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