
Dude Pretending to Be a Federal Agent Unloads an AR-15 Into the Air

What, exactly, did you plan to do here?

According to the Houston County Sheriff’s Office, a 34-year-old man named Clifford Heniser walked into the office’s lobby with a simple request: Let me see your service records. Sure, he was dressed like shit (and likely smelled like it), but according to him, everything was totally kosher because he was a “federal agent.”

Yeah, the office wasn’t buying it, so they told him that deputies would be en route to deal with him. At this moment, he left — only to return with an AR-15.

Did he shoot anybody with the AR-15? Doesn’t seem like it. Instead, he just fired the damn thing into the air, not harming anyone but definitely spooking the shit out of every dog and Iraq war vet in the neighborhood.

He’s since been arrested. No shit!

Categories: Wtf News

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