
21-Year-Old Missing Persons Case Solved by YouTube Diver

Jeremy Sides, a scuba diver who runs a YouTube diving channel called Exploring with Nug, recently helped close a 21-year-old missing persons case in White County, Tennessee.

Erin Foster, 18, and Jeremy Bechtel, 17, disappeared in April 2000 after staying out at a nearby party spot for teens. A local sheriff speculates that they may have had an accident that led to them crashing into the water. As of now, that remains an entirely unofficial theory, and it will likely take forensic investigators several weeks to create a more complete picture of what happened. Still, at the very least this discovery allows the families and friends of both victims to finally get some closure.

Commenters on Reddit also suggested that if the remains of either victim were in the car, they were likely removed by divers prior to pulling out the vehicle, which is why it looks empty on the crane.
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