
Small Brewery Humiliates Douchebags Who Think Stealing is Funny

A small brewery decided to get back at four douchebags for needlessly stealing from them "just because" not by hunting them down with pitchforks or sicking the po-pos on them, but by straight-up destroying them with pure, unadulterated humiliation.

The owners of Whistle Buoy Brewery in Victoria, CA suddenly found themselves short a piece of custom-made artwork, one accessibility mirror and four glasses. Upon checking the CCTV footage for their establishment, they found the four-man group responsible for yoinking the weirdest haul of stolen merchandise in Victoria history.

Brandishing the power of the internet, the owners of Whistle Buoy thought the most effective way to teach them a lesson would be to simply showcase their not-so-funny douchebaggery for all the world to see -- and it worked. Reportedly, the four men -- after being ridiculed online -- returned the items to the staff who then decided to drop the matter. They are, however, banned permanently from the small and independently-owned business.

Serves them right.

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