
Slippery Roads in China Unleash Utter Chaos

Nobody wants to be in a situation where they're suddenly reminded of a video game from their childhood about a frog doing his best not to get squished by oncoming traffic. I can't say whether or not that man ever played Frogger, but he probably wouldn't want to after the day he had.

Black ice conditions on a stretch of Chinese highway gave way to pandemonium, starting with two near-misses for the man in question followed by the utter chaos of numerous, back-to-back car accidents. As crazy as the situation quickly becomes, I think everyone involved could be grateful that tanker didn't do anything worse than just sit there and take it.

Yet another example of the dangers that black ice poses to truckers and motorists moving at high speeds in low temperatures; even when you know things are about to get... dicey... without any traction on the road what can you do but hope?

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